Ethan Thompson

Ethan Thompson

Dr. Ethan Thompson is a distinguished orthodontist known for his expertise in clear aligner technology and innovative orthodontic solutions. Dr. Thompson has dedicated his career to developing personalized treatment plans that ensure optimal results with minimal discomfort. He frequently speaks at national dental conferences and workshops, sharing his knowledge on the latest trends and research in orthodontics. Outside of his professional life, Dr. Thompson is an avid runner and participates in marathons to raise funds for oral health awareness campaigns.

What to Eat with Braces the First Week

What to Eat with Braces the First Week
During the first week with braces, opt for soft foods to minimize discomfort. Good choices include yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, soft fruits like bananas, mashed potatoes, and well-cooked vegetables. Soup and broths are also gentle options.

Find Out How Do Braces Work to Straighten Your Teeth

Find Out How Do Braces Work To Straighten Your Teeth
Braces use gentle, continuous pressure to gradually move teeth into their correct positions. This pressure affects the bone and tissue surrounding the teeth, causing them to loosen and then tighten in their new alignment. Over time, adjustments are made to the braces to ensure the teeth move into the desired alignment, resulting in a straighter smile.

Wisdom Tooth Abscess: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Wisdom Tooth Abscess
A wisdom tooth abscess is a painful pus-filled infection that forms around a wisdom tooth. This happens most often because wisdom teeth are hard to clean, especially when they're partially stuck under the gum. The bacteria builds up and creates an infection. It's a dental emergency, so see a dentist right away!

Operculectomy at home

Operculectomy At Home
Absolutely never attempt an operculectomy at home! An operculectomy is a minor surgical procedure and should only be performed by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon. Trying to perform dental procedures at home poses risks of infection and further complications.

Operculectomy vs Extraction

Operculectomy and extraction are two different procedures used to address dental issues, particularly related to wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. Operculectomy is typically performed when the tooth can fully emerge, while extraction is necessary for impacted or problematic…

Laser Gum Treatment

Laser Gum Treatment
Non-invasive laser gum treatments utilize laser light to target and eliminate diseased, inflamed gum tissue while preserving the healthy gum tissue. This process requires no cutting, resulting in minimal bleeding. Laser gum treatments are conducted without the need to retract the gum tissue from the jaw.